Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rerun Store and My Handkerchiefs

One of my favorite stores to haunt is "RERUN" on 7th and Freemont (I tell you there is a Freemont in every trendy area in America) Here I can forage and embrace yesterday and today.
Handkerchiefs are a passion of mine, amongst others,
that I can indulge myself with little damage to my style of
most of the ones I buy are 1$ and are fabulous..
I love using them and pulling them out of my purse to
wipe the occasional tear or runny nose.
Yes, some are too pretty and I love to display them with a table setting.
RERUN is a perfect store to check at least twice weekly, as it is
an consignment store, people unload treasures by the trunk full often..
happy hunting!


  1. What a wonderful thing to collect. Something old that holds a memory from someone else (tears of joy, tears of sorrow, or....), inexpensive and a thing that you can lovingly use. I love it! I'll have to check out that store next time I'm in the area, too.

  2. So feminine, handkerchiefs.

    Lately, I have been wearing fine gloves and I would love to carry around a lovely handkerchief in my purse... one with a delicate lace trim.

    Thanks for the inspiration!
